Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mystery Solved!

I found out that the reason Parker got two strikes in PE was that he didn't want to run. He just decided to lay down and rest in the middle of class. When the teacher asked him to participate, he told her he was too tired and he wanted to nap. Knowing him, I am guessing this all happened about 5 minutes into class starting. Hmmm . . . My first F in school was in PE. Possibly this is a sign of things to come!?!?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

10 Days

Well, 10 days into kindergarten Parker got himself in trouble. I wish I could say that I'm surprised. I have no idea what he did, and he's not talking. But, really, how do you get in trouble in PE? Oh, this could be a long year!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This picture of our lot was taken about a week ago. We were over there yesterday, and the house you can see off to the left of the picture put a fence up. We were so excited they did it before we moved in. That saved us a few thousand dollars. Yea! Of course, they'll be thinking they should have waited. hee hee.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School!

Another school year. Both boys went back to school today and I miss them already! Preston started 3rd grade & Parker kindergarten. Preston's teacher is Mrs. Byrd, and Preston is almost as tall as she is. Parker has Mrs. Taylor, the same kindergarten teacher Preston had. For this first week, Parker only goes half-day, but will be all-day starting next week. I walked them to their class rooms this morning to get them settled. Preston is at the age that he couldn't get rid of me fast enough. Parker was so happy & excited to be in his classroom with all those cute girls that he didn't care that I was leaving. I thought I'd be emotional dropping my baby off for kindergarten, but I wasn't. Seeing him so happy made me happy. I just need to find a new Starbucks partner!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bear Lake

Our annual August trip to Bear Lake was a blast! We loved kicking back on the beach, playing in the water and just relaxing! The water & beach here are wonderful. The water is warm, and you can walk clear out in the lake and the water stays shallow with a sandy bottom.