Our family tradition is to celebrate the 4th of July at my parent's house. We celebrate the 4th & my dad's birthday all in one bash. It is my favorite gathering at my parent's house. I was dreading this year a bit because it was supposed to be 99 & sunny. As per usual the weathermen were wrong & it was 80, light rain at times & cloudy. It was perfect! My parent's have a great yard that is very photogenic so I took over 200 pictures. I am sharing lots of them with you!
Liam, Preston & Parker
The boys decorated their bikes and had a parade for us up and down my parents driveway. Preston went slow & waved. Liam & Parker rode 90 mph & stuck their tongues out at us as they went by.
Next year I am going to get them candy to throw. They will love it but us spectators will be all bruised up.
Me & Travis.
I look about 4 months along here. Good Lord...time to get ass moving!!
Parker being Parker
My Dad.
Kids....this is what too much beer does to you when you start drinking early in the day. Note that he keeps the beer upright while napping. Very important.
Preston & my Mom (a.k.a Chickie)
Preston & Parker. Loving brothers!
Me & my best friend of the night ... Sangria (YUM!)
Travis and his best friend of the night .... Corona!
Cindy (my aunt) & our friend Julie.
The funny line of the evening came from Julie. I was talking about Twitter (my new addiction) & she said, "what is the difference between a 'Twit' and a 'Twat'?" Oh my ... we laughed about that all night! For the record she meant between Twitter & Facebook. 'Twat' became the word of the night & we did not let her live it down!
Waiting for Parker to fall in the pond.
Preston holding his rolly polly bug
Preston, Sonny, Liam & Parker. My Dad paid Liam $5.00 to eat a 1/2 a hot dog. Travis and I were waiting for him to puke like he usually does when he eats anything but Top Ramen Noodles. He kept it down & got his $5.00 from Grandpa.
My Mom
Justin and my sister Sundee.
Travis, me & Preston
Sundee, Me & Chickie. Who got the height in the family?
Cindy & Sonny
Peace Flower Child
Liam, my Dad, Preston & Parker
a.k.a. Grandpa & his boys.
My dad supervising the fireworks.

Travis a.k.a The Pyro
Travis kept putting fireworks in the pegs of Liam's bike then he'd yell "ride fast". Oh, my sister loved watching her son tear off with fireworks coming out of his bike!
Annual water balloon fight. My sister & Sonny spend hours filling these balloons. They never invite me to their party because I can't tie balloons. Darn!
Liam & Parker trying to steal one of the coolers of balloons.
Even my dad played this year. He likes it until he gets hit.
Water balloon baseball