Today between 9:00 am – 12:00 noon at Grandpa’s house the boys rode their four-wheelers, bikes, scooters and one of their favorite things - played in the irrigation water. Also, Grandpa took them to Maverik where they got to pick anything they wanted. When they are with Grandpa they tend to buy a lot of junk and expensive things that I won’t buy them. Preston bought two M&M piggy banks at $4.00 a pop that only had a snack sized bag of M&M’s in them. Personally, if I spend $4 on M&M’s I’m getting the king sized bag! At 12:20 Parker said to me, “I don’t really like being here. There is nothing to do.” What the hell!?!?!

Perhaps Parker can ask grandpa for a "Super Soaker." ...j