Slow week until yesterday. Because the framers got ahead of schedule last week, the trusses were not ready until Tuesday. Wednesday we had a crew of eight guys, and once again they cruised. Preston was really excited to see the upstairs bedrooms being put in, and spent time looking up at them trying to decide which one he is going to pick. We've told him since he's the oldest it's his call, but I keep dropping hints that the front one is much nicer. They are exactly the same, but that is the one I want him in. :-)
This week we ordered the windows, doors, and the HVAC stuff. We are way over budget on the HVAC and I am not liking that at all! We also need to order the cabinets by the end of the week - ahh! I fell in love with some pretty cabinets and countertops that are $4,000.00 over our budget - OUCH! There are some other ones that we'd be on budget but I just don't love them. I think that the HVAC being so high that is going to push me in the cheaper direction, but, oh, the others ones are so pretty!
I hope today they will get the upstairs fully framed. I feel we are racing the weather for the weekend. I've heard snow in the valley by Monday. (No, my BFSW, I am not doing my rain dance!)

Front view of the house. The bedroom, ok wood, you see over the two car garage is the front bedroom.

This is the trusses being lifted on the back bedroom. The guys made me nervous standing up there like they were.

This view is from the master bedroom looking into the living room. Can't you tell?

It is always fun bringing the boys home in my car with the black interior when they are covered head-to-toe in light colored dust!
Man they are moving fast! I'll keep my fingers crossed that mother nature doesn't bring too much rain or snow.
ReplyDeleteI think you should enlarge that picture of the boys and display it in a prominent place in the new house. I love it! ...j
yea! KS